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Student behaviour in the local community

A large number of students live in the local community. This includes 2,574 in halls, 558 in university-managed private accommodation, many in privately-rented accommodation and those living in their own homes.

As members of the local community, we expect our students to behave considerately and respectfully towards their fellow local residents. Noise and anti-social behaviour from students does not reflect well on those individuals, the University or its reputation in the community.

The University expects its students to:

  • keep noise to a minimum when walking through residential areas at night
  • be respectful to their neighbours in keeping music to a respectable level and pre-warning neighbours of any parties.

The University respects the independence of its students and the fact that they are adults. However, we recognise that for many students this will be the first time they have lived independently so we provide guidance to help them make the transition successful, for example, see our advice to students (PDF).

The University works closely, and cooperates fully with the authorities in Kingston and other areas to promote positive student behaviour in the local community. Whilst the majority of our students value and respect the community in which they live, those students who are found to be causing noise and engaging in anti-social behaviour may face disciplinary action under the University's Student Disciplinary Procedure in addition to any action that may be taken by the police.

Please see the full guidance drawn up in partnership with Kingston Council on how to be a considerate neighbour in the community (PDF).

How to complain

If local residents experience anti-social behaviour or noise problems, and believe our students are involved, there are places where they can go to complain and get help. The University can intervene directly where it is managing a property either as a hall of residence, or as a Headed Tenancy. If the noise is coming from a property owned and managed by a private landlord or agent, while the University has no legal right to intervene, we can investigate the complaint and help to find a resolution.

Contact us

Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 9000